Monday, December 3, 2012

Presentations from the Person Centred Approach Forum held November 16, 2012 at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club

'Person Centred Approach' - Making it work for People with Disability who are Ageing

This recent event was hosted by the Futures Alliance and the Australian Association of Gerontology.  Presentations from this event are now available.  Click on the Presenters below to view the presentations.

 What Person Centred Policy means in NSW - Christine Regan  

Person Centred Approaches for People with Lifelong Disability: An Examination of the issues - Jo-Anne Hewitt 

Aged Care Reform Developments - Paul Sadler 

National Disability Insurance Scheme - Katherine McLellan

Building a Culture of Person Centredness - Emma Doukakis

Consumer Directed Care - An Update - Pauline Armour

Monday, October 15, 2012

Event "Person Centred Approach - Making It Work For People with a Disability who are Aging"

The Futures Alliance and the Australian Association of Gerontology are pleased to present: 

 "Person Centred Approach - Making It Work For People with a Disability who are Aging"

Friday November 16, 2012
10am - 3pm
Ryde-Eastwood Bowling Club 

  • Hear about the latest research
  • Learn about reforms in Ageing and Disability policy at both state and federal levels
  • Get an update on the development of a National Disability Insurance Scheme
  • Throughout the day we will share the stories of people with disabilityand their carers about their lived experience as they age

Guest Speakers & Presenters include:

Jim Longley - Chief Executive, ADHC

The Hon Victor Dominello MP - Member for Ryde

Dr Michelle Donelly - Southern Cross University

Dr Anne Hillman - The University of Sydney

Katherine McLellan - National Disability Services

Christine Regan - NCOSS

Paul Sadler - Presbyterian Aged Care

Emma Doukakis - Centre for Disability Studies

Jo-Anne Hewitt - Chair, The Futures Alliance

Pauline Armour - UnitingCare Ageing NSW.ACT

& Other Special Guests

Professionals - $80
Members of Australian Association of Gerontology - $50
People with disability, Family Members & Carers - Free

To register contact: 
Kellie van Gool 
Tel: (02) 4620 2905
Fax: (02) 4627 8005

Thursday, January 19, 2012

What's on the Future Alliance's Agenda in 2012?

The Futures Alliance held a strategic planning meeting on January 17 to set our agenda for the year.

The Alliance took the chance to reflect on our efforts in 2011 with our policy submissions, successful forum, conference presentations and updating of our Blue Print.

Lively discussion was held about the many issues that are important for people with disability who are ageing and where our energies should be placed in 2012.....

Some of the issues were:

The National Disability Insurance Scheme

NSW Whole of Government Ageing Strategy Consultations

National Disability Research Agenda

Consumer directed care, person centred approaches and self direction

So WATCH THIS SPACE for an update soon on our plans for a productive and influential 2012.